My daily intake of technology

As a 20-year-old female, one would assume that I stereotypically rely on technology a bit too much. For the most part, that is true.

To prove my point, or to at least prove to others I'm not completely horrible, here's a glance of what the daily life of Ally is like.

Photo retrieved by yours truly

[8:30 a.m.]: On a typical day (with the exception of my 7:50 a.m. class) I get up at around 8:30 a.m. and IMMEDIATELY check my phone. Typically, this includes checking my text messages that are most likely only from my boyfriend, checking Snapchat, Instagram, and of course, Facebook. I probably glanced at one too many Dr. Pimple Popper videos (whoops).

[9:00 a.m.]: After finally getting out of bed, I unwillingly stumble out of bed, nearly falling several feet, and use the bathroom. And if you guessed correctly, I did, in fact, bring my phone. I spend about several short minutes before I go on to the next task.

[9:05 a.m.]: As I quickly find clothes (probably from the prior day), I race to Starbucks to get my usual Venti Earl Gray Tea with a splash of soy milk and five sugars. Of course, as I wait to give my order, I scroll through Instagram looking at more Dr. Pimple Popper videos.

[9:09 a.m.]: Walking to class with my Starbucks in one hand and my cellphone in the other, I send a couple quick Snapchats. I most likely spilt very, very hot tea on one of the many Comfort Colors shirts I own.

[9:15 a.m.]: *Phew* I just made it to class, but alas, I do indeed have my Starbucks! As I get settled, I take out my MacBook Pro and scroll through Facebook until my professor starts his lecture.

[10:25 a.m.]: I sneakily scroll through Facebook via my laptop until my guilt kicks in, thus I then proceed to exit out of Facebook.


[12:00 p.m.]: Alas, classes are finally done! As I walk back to Finch, I most certainly was checking my phone. I most likely sent a few texts and scrolled through Instagram, and probably almost walked into a bench as per usual.


[5:00 p.m.]: After studying Italian for an extensive amount of time (sì, posso parlare un po d'italiano, ma non sono fluente), I FaceTime my boyfriend. Probably watching Brooklyn 99 as we talk.

[2:00 a.m.]: After watching Brooklyn 99 for what seems like many, many hours, I go to sleep...but not after checking my phone and scrolling through social media.

xoxo, Ally


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