
Showing posts from March, 2020

Opinion piece #3: Let's talk about socialism

Ah yes, socialism. Imagine: free college, free healthcare, or even basic universal income. Doesn’t that sound absolutely amazing in a completely sarcastic and hypothetical scenario? Quite frankly, no. Nothing is free, nor is such a thing attainable, unless we want increasingly higher taxes and want to dismantle the United States Constitution that our Founding Fathers vigorously worked on for our nation.  Socialism only works until you run out of other individual’s money. And that is a fact. By definition, socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. In other words, the government acts like an omnipresent guiding force that alleviates all of your social ills. Where is the incentive to work hard? Where’s the American Dream?  Socialism emerged as a response to the capitalist system. Whereas capitalism is based on a free...

Opinion critique #3: Sanders gets it wrong on 'Medicare-for-all'

Throughout the article , the author makes the theme clear: Bernie Sander’s call for a “Medicare-for-all” health plan isn’t feasible. As for evidence, the author uses quotes from Sanders. The author also references a study that Sanders believes to show that “Medicare-for-all” will reduce health care costs and save the nation a bundle. In order to prove a point, the author analyzes the study that Sanders speaks about. The article states, “The chief author, Alison Galvani, worked as an unpaid adviser to Sanders’ Senate office. Galvani notes that she designed and wrote the study for the purpose of supporting Sanders   ‘Medicare-for-all’ bill.” What I find interesting is that the author analyzes the fallacies of Sanders’ speech—something that I found particularly strong about this piece. The study that Sanders uses was written by a scientist that specifically wrote the study for the purpose of supporting Sander’s agenda. That’s the opposite of what scient...