
Showing posts from February, 2020

Editorial: Homelessness is a systemic problem, not a voluntary choice

Over half a million people go homeless on a single night in the United States. To be more precise, there were about 567,715 homeless people living in the United States in 2019. According to Statista, this number has been steadily increasing in the past two years. It’s been no secret that homelessness is a growing issue across the nation. The rate of homelessness amongst states continues to rise and the amount of affordable housing remains painstakingly low. Let’s make it clear: Homelessness is a systemic problem. It’s about disadvantage. It’s not a lifestyle choice. No one chooses to be homeless, nor does anyone want to be homeless. Among the top homeless cities in the world include places such as San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York City. In many major cities, like San Francisco, there are streets filled with people stacked upon people in tents asking for spare change, while they wonder how they can afford their next meal. And in High Point, No

Opinion piece #2: Is it harder to be a female?

It is commonly asserted that men have it easy, but is that really the case? I would say no. I am a 21-year-old biracial female on a predominantly white campus. The reason I have to say this is because otherwise, people would try to dismiss my arguments on the basis of my race and sex. There are approximately 6% of individuals who identify as two or more races, while approximately 79% of individuals identify as white. There is a greater population of females as compared to males. According to U.S. News, High Point University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 4,545, with a gender distribution of 43% male students and 57% female students.  As a female who is supposedly supposed to feel like a so-called “minority,” I have never felt an unequal balance with males. I have always been told to work hard for what I want in life, and that through perseverance and determination, one can achieve his or her dreams. I’m sorry, but if you are going to major in music education or gend

Opinion critique #2: Sanders, AOC and other socialists are wrong – Socialism is a cause of poverty, not the cure

This FoxNews article , written by Justin Haskins, speaks on how socialism is a cause of poverty—not the cure to it. Haskins also speaks about Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Throughout the article, the theme is clear: socialism is bad and isn’t the way to end poverty in America. The opening sentence begins as follows: “Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders and his fellow socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez say the only way to end poverty in America is to destroy the economic system that made the U.S. the most powerful and prosperous country on Earth and the land of opportunity.” There is also ample research evidence about why Haskins believes socialism is not beneficial for the well-being of the United States. As Haskins mentions, “One of the keys to tackling poverty is improving education. Study shows that young people who receive a high-quality education are far more likely to rise out o

Opinion piece #1: Why the Second Amendment is important

Let’s talk about a controversial issue that has many differing interpretations: The Second Amendment, or otherwise known as the right to bear arms. The Second Amendment was not only written so he or she can act in self-defense but also to protect oneself from a tyrannical government. But, as many know, the Second Amendment has been under very intense scrutiny, particularly because of recent mass shootings over the past few years. I would contend that this is one of the most important rights we have as an American citizen. Without the Second Amendment, law-abiding citizens are unable to act in self-defense. As the Bill of Rights directly states, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” While the Second Amendment is meant for law-abiding citizens to protect oneself or from a tyrannical government, it has been a debate whether or not those rights should b